![]() This MonthDistinctly Teen Registration Still Open National Seminar Silent Auction AnnouncementsNEW MAILING ADDRESS Please note that any payments sent to the Guild should now go to the following address: Handbell Musicians of America PO Box 145400 Mail Location 521 Cincinnati, OH 45250 This includes membership renewal, contributions, event registration payments, invoice payments, etc. Also note that general correspondence that DOES NOT include a check payment should still be sent to our Dayton office address – 1055 E. Centerville Station Road, Dayton, OH 45459. National EventsHelp build a pension for the Guild, by contributing to the HERITAGE FUND
If you’ve not yet seen our first ever Virtual Handbell Ensemble, have a look HERE. Help us get as much exposure as possible by commenting and sharing. Member RewardsVisit http://www.lorenz.com/ Featured
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Distinctly Teen Registration Still Open
National Seminar Silent AuctionSupport the Heritage Fund by contributing items to our annual silent auction at National Seminar – whether or not you are planning to attend the event. Consider items specific to your hometown or state, specialty items like handmade jewelry or scarves, handbell related crafts or collectables, commissioned handbell works, your services as a clinician for a workshop or festival, travel items such as hotel stays or airline miles, items that relate to the 60-year history of the Guild; the possibilities are endless. Help us make this our biggest silent auction ever! See all the details and make your PLEDGE HERE. Website SpotlightThe HIC Buyer’s Guide is found on the Music & Resources tab. All our Handbell Industry Council members are listed here, categorized by the products and services offered. This is the place to go to find the music, instruments, accessories, and services you need for a successful handbell/handchime program. This month’s spotlight: HIC Buyer’s Guide https://handbellmusicians.org/events-networking/buyers-guide/ Music Notes from John BehnkeTime to Celebrate
I hope by now you have received our new 2014 AGEHR New Music CD promotion in the mail and that you will take some minutes to look at and listen to our quality new music. Leading off our new CD is a great new piece all about celebrating. It’s Michael Mazzatenta’s new original piece “Celebrate With Ringing” (AG35326), a Level 2+ piece for 3 to 5 octaves of handbells and 3 octaves of optional hand chimes. “Celebrate With Ringing” is filled with bell patterns and peals that are both fun to play and exciting to listen to. It was a commissioned piece from the Red Door Ringers of Emanuel Episcopal Church in Southern Pines, North Carolina, who wanted an “upbeat, festive, and celebratory” piece. Michael says “I came up with a bright and rhythmic theme in C Major, with a contrasting theme played by chimes in A Minor, and both the introduction and ending use LV and shakes to build up excitement.” He goes on to say that his church handbell choir “loves to sightread new music that I bring to rehearsal. This piece was tested and proofed by them, a number of times. Their playing always sounds better than when I composed it at the piano!” He says, “Besides the nice contrast in themes, I really like the intervallic and motivic relationships I’ve used as a basis for the piece, as well as some passages in sequence. I think that the intro and ending, both based on a dominant pedal, are especially effective.” I would definitely agree. Michael is the organist/handbell choir director at La Casa de Cristo Lutheran Church in Scottsdale, Arizona (see the picture) and music instructor at Chandler-Gilbert Community College in Chandler, Arizona. He also does freelance accompanying, directing, composing, and performing. Beyond church and school work, he says, “I love listening to all types of music, especially jazz and progressive metal. My twin brother, Mark, is a fantastic guitarist, and we perform together as duo/combo called Mazzjazz.” He goes on to say, “The Guild is really like an extended family to me, as I know it is to a lot of other members. I’m very grateful for the friendship, and all the wonderful handbell opportunities it has brought into my life.” So during these summer months, as you plan out next year’s music, why not “Celebrate with Ringing” (AG35326)? The title says it all. Have a great summer! Relax and replenish, and I hope to see you at the National Seminar in Atlanta, July 14 to 18, for a great time of learning and fellowship! I’ll be at the AGEHR Publishing Booth in the exhibit area. Please stop by and say hi. Until next month, John Behnke, Music Editor