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Each year, through the support of generous donors, Handbell Musicians of America awards scholarships for participation in National events. Please review the opportunities below if you are interested in applying or contributing. When a scholarship is open for applications, there will be an “Apply Now” button under its description.

Education Fund Scholarship 

The Education Scholarship Fund was established by an anonymous donor as a challenge to other Handbell Musicians of America (HMA) members to contribute and support handbells in education and HMA educational events. Contributions are used to offer scholarships to Handbell Musicians of America events and grants to programs that promote handbells in educational settings.

William H. Griffin Scholarship Fund

The William H. Griffin Scholarship Fund was established in 2003 to honor Bill Griffin and his contributions to handbell music and Handbell Musicians of America, particularly for his service as interim executive director. The scholarship aids qualified individuals with attending Distinctly Bronze East (February) or Distinctly Bronze West (October). Two scholarships will be awarded for each event that provides registration and up to $500 in reimbursable travel/lodging expenses. 

Deb Heine Young Ringer Scholarship Fund

The Deb Heine Scholarship for Young Ringers provides support for individuals under the age of twenty to participate in Handbell Musicians of America’s national events. The scholarship includes full registration to the event, hotel nights (location and number of days depend on event), and up to $300 reimbursed for travel expenses. 

Marilyn Kielniarz Memorial Scholarship Fund

The Marilyn Kielniarz Memorial Scholarship was established by Handbell Musicians of America’s National Board of Directors in memory of, and to honor Marilyn Kielniarz. This scholarship is awarded to a music educator to attend National Seminar, and provides the full cost of registration.

The D. Linda McKechnie Scholarship Fund

 The D. Linda McKechnie Scholarship Fund was established in 2004. The purpose of the fund is to aid individuals and programs that promote education in elementary schools or with special needs populations. The assistance may be in the form of a scholarship to National Seminar for an individual working in one of these areas, or in the form of a grant supporting programming in one of these areas.

W.D. McKeehan Scholarship Fund

The W.D. McKeehan Scholarship Fund was established by the Handbell Musicians of America’s national board of directors in 1983 as a tribute to W.D. “Mac” McKeehan for his long years of service and numerous contributions as national registrar and national treasurer. This fund provides scholarship assistance to qualified individuals for participation in Handbell Musicians of America’s National Seminar.

Scholarships Administered by Bay View Week of Handbells 

Handbell Musicians of America partners with Bay View Week of Handbells and houses their two award investment funds. These opportunities are solely reviewed, determined, and managed by Bay View Week of Handbells. If you have questions about the Bay View awards, please contact Bay View directly, [email protected]

The Donald E. Allured Original Composition Award Fund

A Bay View Week of Handbells Award 

This award was established August 1993 as a gift to director Don Allured by the attendees of the annual Bay View Week of Handbells. The intent of the award is to commission original handbell music that exemplifies the highest standards, quality and expectations that Don Allured would demand in an original composition. Each year, participants at the Bay View Week of Handbells donate to the fund to honor Donald Allured’s contributions to the handbell world. The fund is invested through Handbell Musicians of America and commissions are funded 100% by interest from the principal. Awards from this fund are made by the Allured Award Committee. 

The Carl Wiltse Scholarship Fund

A Bay View Week of Handbells Scholarship 

Established to honor Director Emeritus Carl Wiltse, the purpose of this fund is to offer a full tuition scholarship for an advanced ringer between the ages of 18 and 30 who wishes to attend the Bay View Week of Handbells. The fund is invested through Handbell Musicians of America and awards are made by Bay View Week of Handbells.